
bun run Init.res.mjs


Hello dear reader!

My name is Florian and I am a self-proclaimed ReScript enthusiast. ReScript is a modern and statically typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript. It is a meta-language descendant where almost everything is an expression. But syntactically it is mostly influenced by JavaScript. This enables one to write idioms like

switch await myResultPromise {
| Ok(data) => data->handleData
| Error(error) error->handleError

which is not possible in plain JavaScript, since switch is a statement there and pattern-matching is still not available.

I use this language as a daily driver at work since it exists (2020) and I, among many others, help make it better every day by contributing to its documentation or standard library, by fixing editor tooling or compiler bugs or just by writing more blog articles like this one.

As you can imagine, this very website is also powered by ReScript, so I just have to give a shoutout to bloodyowl.io for creating the very down-to-earth rescript-pages static site generator.

Of course I also had to utilize cutting-edge tech like Bun, hence the title. I am already looking forward to doing more smaller posts like this one.

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